Thursday, December 31, 2015

Sorry! + New Posting Schedule!

Hey guys. Cosmic here. I'm sorry I haven't been posting! Life has gotten me tied up, and I haven't found time to post! So I've decided I would do once-a-week posts, on Mondays, to keep up the Monday Mystery. But today is Thursday, and I shall sometimes do a blog update on Thursdays. So on Thursdays you can see a post with all of the blog updates!
~Join The Fun Movement! [Page]
~Contests! [Page]
~Custom "Read More" Message [Layout; Posts]
~Custom "Reactions" Choices [Layout; Posts]
~Parties! [Page]
 ~A Footer Banner; Read The AJGC! [Layout; Footer]
~Labels [Layout; Sidebar]
~Clock [Layout; Sidebar]

~Sidebar Arrangement [Layout; Sidebar]
~A Fish Pond [Layout; Footer]
~How to care for Turdle and the Fishy Fishy Fishy Pond [Layout; Footer]

New signature made by Awesomepanda868! Visit her blog, Animal Jam Graphic Central!


  1. I love your new blog features! ^.^ The sticky note clock looks great, by the way! :D

    Also, to fix the sidebar issue, you can go to Design > Customize > Widths and use the sliders to adjust the width of the sidebar to around 300-400 pixels, or until you see that the gadgets fit properly! Hope that helps!

    1. It worked! Thanks, Panda! I like the sticky note clock because I haven't seen any Animal Jam blogger that has a sticky note clock! And I noticed that there is no such thing as Sunday, January
      4th, 2016. It's Sunday, January 3rd, 2016! My mistake!


Hello, Cosmic here! Make sure you comment safely, and respectively!